JAYEM is my calling. I want to share my journey in hopes that I can inspire and/or help others with their journeys.

Life Enthusiast
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    Creative Soul

    Helping others navigate their health by becoming Health Advocates. Spreading inspirational vibes to people as I guide them through their career journeys. Doing my best to appreciate the moments and live my life to the fullest.

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    Always Learning

    I am a firm believer that learning never ends. We are never finished, and that my friends is what makes life so exciting.

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    Sharing Stories

    Inspiring others to share their stories is my jam. Pushing myself out of my comfort zone to tell my own story hasn't been easy, but it has been worth it as I understand the power of owning your story, for yourself and for others.

“A job is how you make money. A career is how you make your mark. A calling is how you acknowledge a higher vision, whatever it may be.”




JAYEM is a fun way to say my initials JM (Jennifer McCloskey) = JAYEM

I guess the next question is…WHO is JAYEM?

I was a little kid with a vivid imagination, who loved school and was a “tad” (okay maybe “A LOT”) bossy who grew up to be a big kid who is creative, is always learning and who is a leader who loves to inspire others so that they can find fulfillment in their careers.

My 25+ career path has zigged and zagged and it has been filled with excitement, and sometimes fear. But most importantly it has been a completely satisfying ride. I have worked in corporate, education and have become an entrepreneur. But the one constant in my career is that I have ALWAYS followed my passion and found a way to love what I do…most days!

Let’s Chat!

A complimentary 30-minute career focused conversation to help you discover which package or customized option will help you achieve your goals.
  • I talk about the “in-between” a lot in my blogs. Heck, I have even incorporated it into my upcoming Podcast title

  • HELLO FRIENDS! I have been trying to think about a way to explain a certain “phenomenon” that I have found very pr

  • HELLO FRIENDS! If you are hearing “3 4 6 0 1!” as you read the title of my blog – you are my people. (Les Miz refer