JAYEM is my calling. I want to share my journey in hopes that I can inspire and/or help others with their journeys.


Hello Friends!

Welcome to my updated blog (and website!) It has been a minute since I have caught up with you all, my last post was a year ago this month. I think you all feel me when I say, what a year it has been 😉

I’m sure your next question is, “so…where have you been?”

It has taken me a long time to be brave enough to share personal things. It still scares me. I will never be an open book BUT over the last 5 years of therapy I have learned that being able to tell my story not only helps me, but it can help others, so here we go…

December 30, 2019 I was told that my cancer was back, and back more aggressive then we had originally hoped. November and December of 2019 were a blur of tests, and worries, and this diagnosis was not one we had hoped for. My life was shattered. Being 47 years old at the time, almost 5 years clear of my first cancer, I had thought my odds would have been different. But I am sure you all know; cancer doesn’t play fair.

They say the 5 most stressful life events are: Death of a loved one, Loss of an important relationship in your life, Moving, Major illness or injury and Job loss. In 2020 I experienced 4 out of 5 of those things at the same time. Throw in a Pandemic and you have yourself one heck of a year!

Although my life has been a rollercoaster as of late, there have been some silver linings that have come out of this bumpy road. It has lead me to my current career path, one I have dabbled in before, but this year made me go “now is the time to embrace it fully!” This is why I have shifted the focus of my business. I want to help people on their life journey, specifically their career journey, to ensure they are doing what they are meant to be doing. I know how scary a career pivot can be (intentional or otherwise) and I feel my background, experience and my spirit will help you with yours. You don’t have to experience 4 out of 5 stressful life events to set your life priorities straight and want a change. In fact, I REALLY hope you don’t have to go through any of those things to be able to be brave enough to say, “life is too short to be unhappy.”

You are probably also thinking, why are you calling yourself a Life Enthusiast, what the heck is that?!  

I have always enjoyed my life and the people in it but these days I know how precious and fragile time is. Living with advanced cancer for the rest of my life isn’t how I envisioned my future, but it truly makes me love and appreciate each day so much more. I have always been enthusiastic about most things in life, my positive spirit is one of my favourite qualities about myself. These days I am EXTRA enthusiastic and grateful for each day that I am given. This is why I decided to go with the name: Life Enthusiast, I am 100% enthusiastic about living and making each day count. I hope that rubs off on those I work with and those who follow me through my journey. I don’t wear rose coloured glasses; I like to call myself a positive realist, but I truly believe an optimistic soul can do powerful things.

I hope my blog inspires. I don’t want to be defined only by my cancer journey, but it is a big part of my life and has shaped who I am now. I hope that by talking about my “why” and weaving in my story with cancer throughout my blog, that my readers can relate to struggles they may be experiencing in their own lives. You don’t have to have experienced cancer to relate to what it is like to live through a difficult period. We all have our own things we are working through. My intent is to help people understand that tough times happen no matter what your journey is, and there is a way through them. Storytelling is a powerful tool, and I hope the stories I will share will have a positive impact on everyone who reads. Especially during dark times.

Check out my new website, follow me on social media and subscribe to my blog. I can’t wait for this adventure!

“The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain.”

– Dolly Parton

Sending you healthy and hopeful vibes always!

– Jenn