17 Mar Luck of the Irish
I have 92.9% British & Irish ancestry, primarily Irish. Yep. I am one of those people who has done “23 & Me” AND will proudly claim their Irish Heritage every St. Patrick’s Day. I know I am not alone. In honour of turning 40 in 2012, I finally made it to Ireland in the spring of 2013. About 5 minutes after arriving I felt like I was home. About ½ through our trip after interacting with many Irish folks along the way, I said to my Mom “these people are my people.”
The people I encountered were friendly, engaging, and genuinely interested in other people. It felt comfortable to me. We fit right in.
One of the other things that really resonated with me about the Irish culture was their traditional Irish Folklore, Music, and Dance. Sitting at a pub listening to a band has always been one of my fave things. Full disclosure: I did get a Diet Coke (1 year and 3 months Diet Coke free and counting!) at the Guinness Brewery instead of a Guinness. (I also only played the slot machines in Vegas waiting for my flight home at the airport. #IamWhoIAm) But my beloved Irish friends did not throw me out of the county. They accepted that this 92.9% Irish ancestry gal DID NOT get the “love beer” gene.
But I was ALL IN on their Irish folklore and magic. I made sure I kissed the Blarney Stone, which apparently gave me the gift of eloquence. You can be the judge by checking out my Instagram Stories, Reels, IGTV, and/or LIVE event “The Tea with Jenn” scheduled for March 17th, 2021 at 10:30 am EST.
I picked up the St. Patrick candle, and cross medallion. I grabbed a ton of the Real Shamrock Irish versus for myself, family, and friends. But my most precious and favourite Irish souvenir, equal to my very awesome official Irish Paddy Cap, is my Worry Stone.
What is a Worry Stone? This is what it says on the package…
Why Worry?
There are only two things to worry about: either you are well, or you are sick. If you are well, then there is nothing to worry about: but if you are sick: there are two things for you to worry about: either you will get well or you will die. If you get well, then there is nothing to worry about. If you die: then there are two things to worry about: either you go up or down. If you go up, there is nothing to worry about. But if you go down you will be so busy shaking hands with old friends you won’t have time to worry!
What did I tell you…my people LOL
I picked up one of these worry stones for me, my Mom, and my brother as we all worriers. So this is how it works…
IF only I were that lucky and it was that easy! I still have worries but still…
I rub it and say my mantra, almost every single night. It is not lost on me that people probably view me as unlucky. Certainly from a health perspective, sure. But I “struck gold” (see what I did there!) when it comes to my people. I have a small crew who I trust and who are always there for me and because of that, I think I am the luckiest gal ever. But sure, I wish I had more luck in the health department. Yet, I am not a victim. I have my moments of wallowing, who doesn’t?! I was raised to “Suck it up buttercup!” That is an actual quote my Mom said to me my whole life and still does, along with her famous “So what are you going to about it?” when I am struggling with something. My Dad used to tell me, and my brother, often “Don’t get too high, don’t get too low! You need to learn to roll with the punches!” (I actually have this in a card he gave me that is one of my most treasured possessions.)
If I am being honest, this advice from my parents was annoying growing up! Probably because they were right! I obviously needed to hear it A LOT, and eventually, I picked up what they were trying to put down for me. Thank goodness!
Since I am 92.9% Irish, do I think I have the luck of the Irish? Heck no! But I have the love and support of incredible parents who made sure I grew up to make my own luck. That is far more powerful than being given it, don’t you think?
Don’t worry Irish heritage, I still believe in magic and miracles. I will forever rub my Worry Stone while saying “I am all good. I am all clear. I am happy, healthy, and strong. I got this!” I will continue to make my own luck, always.
Happy St. Patrick’s Day!
P.S. Also Happy 4th Birthday to my boy Chipman, who is named for my Dad who’s middle name was Chipman, a very Irish namesake. See, I told you…92.9%!!! 😉
Follow me on my social @JAYEMBarrie or check out my website www.jayem.ca to stay informed on what I am doing. Share your questions or comments either in the comment box of my Instagram posts or in a DM.
“May your pockets be heavy, and your heart be light. May good luck pursue you each morning and night.”
Irish Verse
Sending you healthy and hopeful vibes always!
– Jenn