JAYEM is my calling. I want to share my journey in hopes that I can inspire and/or help others with their journeys.

HELLO FRIENDS! It is time to dive into another topic a lot of you have asked me for: TREATMENTS! Warning, it is not always for the faint of heart. But…it is REAL. It is also long. I tried to condense but treatments can’t be talked about...

At my Dad’s “Celebration of Life” service 14 years ago this September I don’t remember much. As you can imagine it was a stressful time. But what I can remember with crystal clear clarity is that the Minister said something to the effect of “Thank...

I thought calling this post “The Hair Issue” was appropriate since magazines, especially about hair were my OBSESSION from an early age, and still are. So, you can imagine someone obsessed with her hair having to give it all up. This is a question I...